Friday, June 28, 2013

Surf Popoyo: Popoyo Location Profile

Popoyo is one of the most popular surf destination in Nicaragua.  Often compared to Trestles, Calif., Popoyo offers a fast, barreling wave that produces both rights and lefts.  While the inner reef offers a fun, playful wave that is great for progressive surfing, the outer reef, creatively called Outer Reef, is one of the few big-wave spots in Nicaragua.  Here, you can find 20-foot, barreling slabs, and the offshore wind caused by Lake Nicaragua makes these monstrous waves manageable.

Surf Popoyo: Popoyo Location Profile

How to get to Popoyo:

From Managua Airport, use the Panamerican highway to reach Rivas. You will pass the Ochomogo bridge and turn right.  This is Chacocente Road, and you will take this to Las Salinas.  You will notice several signs for Popoyo and accommodation.


Popoyo is easy to find and there are a handful of hotels and surf camps in walking distance.  Public access.

Wave Quality:

5-Star (1-5 stars, with 5 being best)

Experience Required:

Intermediate to Experienced

Wave Consistency:

As consistent as it gets

Ocean Floor:


Wave Length:

60 to 160 meters, or longer on good days

Best Swell Direction:

N, NW, W, SW, S

Best Tides:

All tides

Other Popoyo surf information:

Like every city in Nicaragua, be careful of your belongings.  Don't even leave them in the car.

Hope this helps!

Popoyo Surf

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