Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Surfing in Nicaragua: 3 Best Barrels

Nicaragua is probably best known for its beach breaks.  When you’re surfing in Nicaragua, everywhere you look there’s sure to be a long, fast, barreling beach break with minimal crowds.  Despite its reputation for beach breaks, some spots offer incredible barrels that meet world-class standards in the right conditions.

Surfing in Nicaragua: 3 Best Barrels

3. Popoyo

Popoyo is probably the most popular destination for travelling Nicaragua surfers, and for good reason.  The wave offers both lefts and rights, and the reef bottom sets up perfect barrels in the right tides.  It’s similar to California breaks because it offers fast lines and a playful lip, but in the right swell, Popoyo can offer some long, makeable barrels.

And for daredevils, the outer reef at Popoyo, cleverly named Outer Reef, offers some stand-up tubes that will scare even the most advanced surfers.  Outer Reef is only a short paddle from shore.
surfing in nicaragua popoyo

2. Playa Manzanillo

Manaznillo is a left-hand point-break, but because of the perfectly shaped rock shelf, this spot produces some incredible tubes at low tide.  It is only accessible by boat, unless you’re willing to spend $500 per night to live on the luxury resort.  Boats usually cost $150, but can be split by up to eight people.
surfing in nicaragua playa manzanillo

1. Puerto Sandino

Often compared to Fiji, Puerto Sandino is a goofy-footers dream.  It’s a fast, hollow left that breaks along a rivermouth.  The wave can last more than 200 meters and at low tide, the barrels can last more than 10 seconds.

The wave is surprisingly easy and breaks over sand.  It’s only accessible by boat, but ask one off the nearby surf camps and they’ll hook you up for a cheap price.
surfing in nicaragua puerto sandino

Nicaragua is not known for its barreling waves, but they’re definitely out there.  Surfing in Nicaragua is an incredible experience and if you plan your trip right, you can fit in beach-breaks, point-breaks and some incredible tubes.

For our list of the best beach-breaks in Nicaragua, read Surfing in Nicaragua: 3 Best Beach Breaks.
For our list of the best point-breaks in Nicaragua, read Nicaragua Surfing: 3 Best Point-Breaks.

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